Year 16 of the DroughtCast has arrived and so has Rex Ryan. The Buffalo Bills did not make the playoffs in 18 seasons, and we’re recording an episode about every single game they play between playoff experiences. That’s 288 games since the Music City Miracle! The end is in sight, but we still got some fun to get to here yet.
If you’d like to catch up, here’s a link to the full 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 season in case you’ve missed them. We’ll eventually get posts up for the other years, too. We’re putting out one podcast/post every weekday or so, but these pages will collect every game from a season for easy access. You know, eventually.
Ryan and The Defenseman talk about the London Jaguars game for a third damn time. It goes better than the other two in that the audio works this time and we get to stop talking about what a disaster EJ Manuel is.
The Drought – 2015 Season – Week 7 – Bills vs Jaguars
Here are some things you might need:
2015 Buffalo Bills on Football Reference
Week 7: Bills/Jaguars Box Score
Here’s an RSS feed of just DroughtCasts if you want to add that to your podcast app. This definitely still works and is the best way to listen to the podcast. There’s also a link to our iTunes page, though that seems to not be working these days. Please leave a review of this podcast and tell us your favorite guy. Do you want to hear about some guys? We want to tell you about some guys, so this is great.
The Bills are now 3-4.